Waiting on the baby boy

April 28, 2011 at 15:36 (Family)

So my wife is one week past due.  Michael Justus should show up any minute and waiting this last week has been tough.  It seems that this has been the longest week ever.  Brooke is uncomfortable and when I hear her moving around at night I wake up and listen thinking she may be starting to have contractions so I have not been sleeping well.  It seems that God designed it this way so we get used to waking up every so often so that when the kiddo arrives we aren’t totally zombified from lack of sleep.

Our bags are packed and ready to go.  The car seat is installed.  The nursery is all painted.  All we need to do is install the baby and it is complete.

So as to the name:  the meaning of the Michael is a rhetorical question – “Who is like the Lord?” and the obvious answer is no one.  Justus is a Roman name meaning justice.  I wanted a Roman name which I thought would be cool.  I was shooting for Maximus Justus but Brooke wouldn’t hear of it.

So here we are.  Ready to raise up this kiddo to be a mighty man of God.  Hurry up kiddo.

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